Wednesday 27 February 2013


 ......we craved bright colours and a hint of summer in all these bleak and misty  February days........
jewel like poppies......opening as big as plates.......but I love them all crepe paper.......
they seem such a fleeting flower but we burnt the ends of the stems and the ones we took home are still flowering brilliantly 5 days later......


flowers on my table said...

Hello guys, the Poppy's are gorgeous. I grew some in the garden last year. I have always resisted because I tend to prefer pink and blue flowers, but they were fabulous, and the pods were so cool after the flowers, that I want to grow a lot more this year. I shall remember to singe the stems when I bring them in! Love Linda x

Georgie Steeds said...

You always have the flowers I've been dreaming about! I was planning some photographs of poppy seed cake and I have the seeds and the pods but thought I'd have to wait until the summer so that I could include flowers in the picture.......perhaps I don't have to wait after all!!

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